Two weeks in Paris!
My sister and I spent two weeks in Paris. The locals obviously
hated Americans. No matter where we went, we were subject to rude
behavior from waiters, store clerks, pedestrians, etc. After a
while it started to irritate us.
One day, in Paris, my sister went shopping. She entered a store
and started looking around. She was the only customer in the store.
As she was looking through the clothes on the rack, a clerk
hurriedly approached her and very abruptly asked if he could help
her. My sister was used to this bad treatment by now and she
politely declined his help. She continued to look at the clothes.
Then she noticed that every clerk in the store was staring at her.
Defiantly, she continued to look through the clothes. When she could
take this treatment no longer, she turned on her heels, with her head
held high, and left the shop.
As she left, she noticed that the sign on the store read
"Dry Cleaners."
Author Unknown
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