Cell Phones Play a Role in
Mating Rituals!
Men have a different relationship with their cell phones than women do, according
to a report in the journal "Human Nature."
In an upscale pub in Liverpool, England, researchers watched young men take their
phones out of jackets and briefcases and place them in the open for anyone to see,
while women usually left theirs tucked away. The men also fiddled with the phones
often, especially when the ratio of males to females increased. The researchers
compare them to a peacock's feathers, suggesting that they play the role of status
symbol in a mating ritual.
In fact, when South American clubs started to require that cell phones be checked
at the door, they found that many of them were fake.
"We wondered, Why would anybody buy a fake phone?" said John E. Lycett of the
Center for Economic Learning and Social Evolution in an interview with the New
York Times.
Author Unknown
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