Downshifting !
How to Work Less and Enjoy Life More !
WHO HAS NEVER WISHED to step off the ever-accelerating treadmill of work, just to gain some
kind of balance in life? Downshifting is a practical, hands-on guide that actually shows how to
move from the fast track to a more satisfying, healthier, less work-focused lifestyle.
John Drake, himself a former high-level executive who chose to downshift, details a wide range
of realistic, doable alternatives to a work-dominated life. He guides readers through all they
need to know and do to make a good living, yet find more free time for themselves and those
they care most about.
Organized by level of risk—from such low-risk steps as simply changing work style to bold actions
, such as flextime, lateral or downward moves, and shortened work weeks—this book is the first
to really show how to put specific downshifting options into action. Using real-life stories of
people who have successfully downshifted, Drake reveals how to get past the wistful dreaming and
hand-wringing stages to taking decisive, thoughtful steps for implementing real change in your
Step by step, the author walks the potential downshifter through all the stages of preparation,
from examinig personal fears and psychological readiness for change to analyzing the impact on
loved ones and personal finances. And for those ready to initiate downshifting changes, he
provides practical strategies and specific guidelines for selling downshifting plans to the
organization, including vital information for determining the approach, timing, and presentation
of a downshift proposal. Should the organization reject your downshifting plan, Drake shows how
to leave bridges unburned, regroup, and wisely assess your alternatives.
For readers just beginning to contemplate a work-life change or those eager to downshift,
Downshifting provides the guidance, tools, encouragement, and proof needed to create a more
balanced, relaxed, and fulfilling life.
Author:John D. Drake
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Pub
Date Published: January, 2001
Format: Paperback Book
Retail Price: US$15.95, CAN$14.95
John D. Drake currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Drake Inglesi Milardo, Inc. Prior to
forming this firm, Drake founded and was CEO of Drake Beam & Associates, Inc. (now Drake Beam
Morin, Inc.), the world’s largest human resources consulting firm. He has consulted to many
Fortune 500 companies, including AT&T, Atlantic Richfield, Citibank, GTE, Prudential Insurance,
Warner-Lambert, and the World Bank.
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